
Kylie Rowsthorne

Kye has worked within the Violence Against Women and Girls sector for over 15 years, both in Australia and the UK, with experience delivering front-line advocacy to survivors of domestic abuse. . She has managed multi-disciplinary teams specializing in high-risk crisis services and Young Women and Girls Projects. Most recently, she has moved into a new role focusing on Domestic Homicide Reviews, which has been a strong area of interest throughout her career. Kye is passionate and committed to creating safe lives for women and girls, a goal that aligns with the work GlobalARRK is undertaking, including their missions and values. She is excited to bring her expertise in VAWG to the Trustee role. She will be assisting with VAWG, risk assessments, and safeguarding....

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Dr. Dianne Scullion: Trustee

Dianne comes from an academic background where her research focused on children’s rights and child trafficking, considering the legal regulation at international, European and domestic levels. She has taught both family and the law relating to children and has published articles in these areas. Previously Dianne has worked in banking and now assists the GlobalARRK team as finance trustee....


Amy – Services Manager

Amy is the Services Manager and Legal Network Partnership Lead at GlobalARRK. Her role involves supporting families impacted by international child custody and international child abduction disputes, alongside working with lawyers in the UK and overseas to provide access to legal advice and representation.  Amy comes from a corporate legal background, holding legal qualifications in both the UK and New Zealand....

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Sophia Lopez-Khan: Trustee

Sophia is a mum and teacher who is retraining as a barrister. She has taught in an international school in Hong Kong and some of the poorest schools in East London for over 17 years, and, as such, her main area of expertise is education. She became a trustee in 2022 after becoming interested in the myriad legal traps of the Hague Abduction Convention, and the detrimental effect it has on families. She is a strong believer in the importance of Gabor Maté’s attachment parenting, and is devoted to the welfare of mothers and children, particularly those who emigrate and find themselves alone. She holds a few degrees, but she finds that it is her kids that keep her most challenged!...

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Vivy : Volunteer

Vivy is a volunteer in GlobalARRK’s befriending and peer support moderation groups, and is a social media moderator for the Facebook community. Vivy is a stuck parent, which adds to her passion to listen and help others in the same situation....


Eleanor : Volunteer

Eleanor has been volunteering with GlobalARRK since she relocated back home – GlobalARRK was a source of hope when she most needed it, and she is now keen to give back and lend an ear. She is a lawyer by trade but after more than a decade abroad navigating expat life, came to retrain as a counsellor supporting those working through the trauma of narcissistic abuse. She focuses on the body as much as the mind and is also a qualified personal trainer. Her number one job is still Mum and she is at her happiest when running outdoors or cooking up a storm in the kitchen....

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Lisa Brain: Trustee

Lisa, a recent postgraduate in psychology with a strong personal interest in the field, combines her academic knowledge with professional experience in corporate governance to significantly contribute to GlobalARRK as a Trustee. Her background is uniquely complemented by her experience as a previously stuck parent, which deeply aligns with the charity’s mission. Lisa’s understanding of psychology enhances her ability to empathise with and support families facing similar challenges. Simultaneously, her expertise in corporate governance is instrumental in maintaining the high standards of charity governance at GlobalARRK, ensuring effective and compassionate support for the families the organisation serves....


Dr. Laura Kean: Trustee

Laura is a child psychiatrist with a specialist interest in maternal and infant mental health. She brings to GlobalARRK extensive experience in working with children and families across multiple cultures, having worked in mental health in Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. She is passionate about the importance of attachment relationships to a child’s well-being, through her work in child psychiatry and her specialism in parent-infant psychotherapy. Laura is keen to raise awareness of the impact that being ‘stuck’ can have upon a parent’s mental health, using her academic and research skill-set in GlobalARRK research. A keen runner, Laura is training for her first marathon this year....

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Dr. Ruth Lamont: Trustee

Dr Ruth Lamont, Reader in Child and Family Law, Department of Law, University of Manchester Ruth has worked with the GlobalARRK team since 2017. She is an academic expert on the law relating to children and families in an international context and has worked on the interpretation and application of the Hague Convention on Child Abduction in the EU and English context. She has particular expertise on the interpretation of the concept of habitual residence, and the role of domestic abuse in family relationships. She assists the GlobalARRK team with research done as part of the charity’s wider activities in publicising the difficulties experienced by ‘stuck’ parents.  ...

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Duncan Millard: Trustee

Duncan Millard founded Leeds charity Oblong in 1996, leading the organisation and working with the NHS to create the Head Space mental well-being course, which has been delivered to hundreds of people all over Leeds. He has created many other well-being courses for the local authority, private trusts and the health service including Mindful Gardening, Mindmate Families and Peaceful Minds. He is currently Mental Wellbeing Co-ordinator of Humans Being, focusing on mental wellbeing and gender role stereotypes....

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Roz Osborne: CEO

Roz is the CEO of GlobalARRK. She founded the charity in 2012 and since then has overseen the growth of the charity which now  supports hundreds of families each year. Roz has a deep understanding of the challenges stuck parents typically face and works tirelessly to improve the plight of stuck parents on every level: attending international events, meeting with policymakers and working with individual parents. Diverse life experiences have guided her role as the CEO of GlobalARRK. Previously she has been a primary classroom teacher, violinist and project coordinator. However, the cornerstone of her motivation and experience lies in her work directly with children. Roz has a post-graduate degree in Education and has specialised in English language as well as music teaching. In addition, having her own children and stepchildren remind her how lucky she is and make her determined to help those less fortunate....