GlobalARRK Reports for the Forum on The Hague Abduction Convention and Domestic Abuse 2024
- Models for monitoring the impact of the 1980 Abduction Convention: Monitoring the HC Report
This report outlines the current monitoring systems within The Hague Conference on Private International Family Law and highlights that there is little reflection on the experience of end users of the Conventions, and no ongoing process to monitor the use of the Conventions by state parties in between the Special Commissions. This lack of monitoring capability has resulted in gaps in understanding of the impact of the Convention upon affected families. Read our report on possible options for monitoring the convention.
- Relocation Report: Relocation Report
This report asserts that regulation of relocation seems essential to provide a legal framework that is accessible and relatively consistent to allow for the lawful movement of the child with the permission of the court. Read our report about how Relocation systems need to be improved.
- The aftermath of Hague Convention decisions: Protective Measures Report
This Expert Paper focuses on an international survey of mothers who have been respondents to petitions under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The results presented in this paper specifically focus on protective measures ordered by courts when returning children to their country of habitual residence.
- International Child Law: the mental health effects on ‘Stuck’ parents Mental Health Report
This study investigates the interplay between the law and the mental health of predominantly primary carer litigants in cross border children disputes. It is a collaborative pilot research study which engaged 75 participants in exploring the mental health impact of being a ‘stuck parent’ and the impact on family life including
the impact on the child(ren) of the family. The study also collates the experiences of parents who have been involved in cross-border cases, particularly those where allegations of domestic abuse were raised. Amidst rising global migration and corresponding cross border movement of families, this report is both urgent and essential. Yet there is little by way of first hand research or studies into the interdisciplinary nature of mental health and family law.
Kean, L., Momoh, O. and Osborne, R. (2024) International Child Law: The Mental Health Effects on Stuck Parents. GlobalARRK Research, 1-48.